International Women's Day

Friday 8th March 2024, International Women's Day. Our amazing managers celebrated their incredible staff in their settings. They truly are loved by everyone, including parents who made staff a homemade cheesecake and brownies (which looked and tasted marvellous). 

We hope you all had a great day celebrating just how wonderful each and every one of you are. 

National Apprenticeship Week

In honour of National Apprentice Week, we celebrated our learners who are undertaking their qualifications here with us at Buttons. It was so lovely to be another reason for them to smile and to let them know how much we appreciate them. We want them to keep smashing every step and become truly the best practitioners. 

During National Apprentice Week, Chrissy from Great Linford passed her Level 3 qualification and we could not be prouder.

Buttons Awards 2022

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Friday 6th May 2022, all Buttons staff celebrated 10 years of the business. We had the most amazing evening celebrating and everything looked stunning. We danced until the early hours and it was lovely for all our staff to come together for the evening. We had many awards, which were won but some of our wonderful team and we congratulated our first class director, who has made the 10 years so glorious! 

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 

Our celebrations during the Queen's Jubilee included joining the Stoke Hammond community to plant a tree in honour, the children sent letters to the Queen and we also received the platinum spoons which all the children took home. Stoke Hammond had a visit from a special guest who lives in the village and she came in to speak about the Queens Wedding, including showing the children a spoon she had collected from the wedding in 1947. 

Past celebrations have included:

Dino Trip 2019

Monday 24th saw 289 Buttons and 77 staff members attend their annual trip to Dinoland.... a huge shout out to Bills coaches who came along to transport us all to the park from across the 8 settings, whilst the weather was overcast the rain stayed away and this made for a perfectly warm day.

The children were impeccably behaved and a massive credit to all parents and carers, to see such joy in their faces as they were met by giant walking dinosaurs was priceless.

George, our external activity co ordinator came along for the day and supported groups of children as they wondered at the activities available, he is a huge asset to Buttons and I think all our children would agree. 

The slime making was a huge hit and we look forward to recreating this as an activity In September, well done to staff for remembering to collect the little pots at home time.

Despite some technical difficulties (an annual occurrence) all children loved the tractor ride, they didn’t even mind waiting a few mins for their turn, probably one of the most popular rides, we had a change to the schedule this year and we opened the reptile house, let’s just say the very spirited tarantula did not appeal to Trish, although the children did not seem phased at all.

It was so wonderful to see the look on the faces of the children as they spotted rabbits, pigs, goats, lambs, alpacas, cows, ponies and even the 4 kittens as they ran through the newly added farm area, we are already making plans for next year to incorporate more of this fabulous area.

Lunch was a military operation executed brilliantly by all staff teams and the children had a great time, fruit of the day had to be watermelon and my favourite quote “it tastes fizzy” kept me giggling long after all Buttons were fast asleep..

A huge thankyou to the staff team, to Dinoland for being such great hosts (again), to William at Bills Coaches, it’s a pleasure to work alongside other local companies who are so professional (if a little comical) and mostly thankyou to all our amazing mummies, daddies and carers for allowing us to spend precious time making wonderful memories with our Buttons, you trust us with your precious cargo and this makes us super proud.

Here’s to 2020 and another brilliant year... 

Tracie xxx

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EID Celebrations

During EID the children have been taking part in a variety of activities including card making, mindfulness colouring and making Ramadan lanterns. 
During group time we have been reading stories about the Muslim religion and the end of Ramadan and EID celebrations.
Farida very kindly made present pouches for all our children which included a small gift and a box of raisins. The children and staff had Henna applied to their hands with traditional patterns. 

On Friday 7th June we invited our families in for an EID celebration, Farida made an array of traditional EID party food for the children and parents to sample during the celebration the children enjoyed listening to Punjabi party music.
The event was a great success and we have all thoroughly enjoyed being submerged into the Muslim culture. 

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World Book Day 2019

All children across all the Buttons settings along with the staff dressed up and joined in the fun for World Book Day.

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